The Elizabeth Herald, July 8, 1887
Editors Herald, --- Some weeks since a small group of former Pennsylvanians met in the court room in this place, and knowing that a goodly number of their brethren of the old Keystone state were residents of Southwestern Missouri, decided to call a meeting of all such for social communion and the recounting of reminiscences of the old home state. Accordingly notices were inserted in the papers, and June 18th was appointed as the day, the place of meeting being the fair ground and its character an old-fashioned basket picnic.
The affair exceeded the most sanguine expectations indulged concerning it. Nearly five hundred persons came together, laden with the substantial good things of this life, as well as bearing cordial feelings for all about them and pleasant recollections of the old home. There was a grand dinner, speeches and music, and the meeting resulted in the formation of a permanent organization.
Thinking that it might prove interesting to many of your readers, I append a list of the participants who came from Allegheny and adjoining counties, with their present places of residence and occupations.
From Allegheny county: J. P. Smith, farmer, Verdella; W. M. Butler, farmer, Lamar; W. H. Lang, farmer, Jasper; Simon Blethred, Beloit; Mrs. C. H. Patterson, Pittsburg, Springfield; J. R. Phillips, Allegheny City, farmer, Lamar; Mrs. Mary Millard, Allegheny City, Lamar; S. Blathroad, carpenter, Dublin; Fred R. Pearson, Allegheny City, stock dealer, Lockwood.
Washington county: J. A. McCormick, farmer, Kenoma; James Hemphill, farmer, Kenoma; B. P. Phillips, farmer, Verdella; Aaron Patterson, miller, Lamar; J. B. Phillips, E. Phillips and Chester Phillips, farmers, Verdella; Asa Owings, farmer, Lamar; James Donaldson, Midway, merchant, Sheldon; B. G. Haddon, Midway, Carthage; Rev. C. V. Criss, Paris, Pastor M. E. church, Lamar; Rev. J. W. Heagan, Pastor Presbyterian church, Lamar; David Hemphill, Hickory, farmer, Lamar; James and Allen F. Stockdale, Allenport, farmers, Liberal; Hiram Jackman, Allenport, farmer, Pedro.
Fayette county: Daniel Diamond, farmer, Lantha; Dr. W. L. Griffin, Smithfield, Lamar; Thomas Thompson, Perryopolis, machinist, Lamar; W. S. Boyd, farmer, Liberal; H. W. Poundstone, farmer, Newport; Daniel Hollingshead, Fayette City, farmer, Kenoma; Allen Q. Durell, Masontown, farmer, Greenfield; Capt. G. W. Gilmore, Masontown, president Dade county bank, Greenfield.
Green county: Samuel R. Sedgewick, Rice's Landing, farmer, Lamar; J. J. Fast, farmer, Lamar; A. Helphenstein, Waynesburg, merchant, Greenfield.
It will be seen from the above that southwestern Pennsylvania is well represented in southwestern Missouri, and that the sons of the old Keystone state remember her with pride even after making their homes elsewhere. The next meeting of the association will be about this time next year, and a much larger representation is then expected.
We are having ripe peaches, blackberries, & c. Oats mostly in shock, and fine prospects for corn. KEYSTONE. |